January 06, 2016

Peoples Coloring Pages For Adults

On this page you will find a lot of coloring picture about peoples and they daily activities as well as the expressions and style of life that is poured in the form of coloring pages whether it be in the form of real images and animated images.

People or humans are living creature that most dominates life on this earth. This can happen because humans are the most intelligent creatures who live on earth.

Many humans considers himself the smartest organisms in the animal kingdom, although there is debate over whether cetaceans such as dolphins may have comparable intellectual. Of course, humans are the only animals that proved to be high-tech.

Biologically, humans classified as Homo sapiens (Latin meaning "man who knows"), a primate species of mammals that include highly capable brain.

The most important human classification is based on gender. Naturally, the sex of a newborn child either male or female. Other classification is based on age, ranging from fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly.

Animal closest to humans who survive are chimpanzees; The second and third closest are gorillas and orangutan. It's important to remember, however, that humans only have common ancestral population with these animals, and are not derived directly from them.

Biologists have compared a series of base pairs of DNA between humans and chimpanzees, and estimate the genetic differences of less than 5%. It has been estimated that the humans lineage branched off from chimpanzees about five million years ago, and from gorillas about eight million years ago.

However, recent news reports of a hominid skull was about 7 million years has shown branching from ape lineage, making the idea of a strong presence of the earliest branching lineage.

peoples coloring pages for adults

After reading a bit of information about the origin and history of peoples, it is time I give a list of all peoples coloring pages for adults which have been published in this blog and ready for you to download and print out.

Free Printable Peoples Coloring Pages For Adult

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